Re: [css3-gcpm] new draft -- including "overflow: paged"

Also sprach Giovanni Campagna:

 > >      body { overflow: paged }

 > Is this meant to:

 > 2) display a regular web page as if it was on paged media (something like a
 > print preview or e-book)?


 > In this case, scrollbars are still needed, and I think we need to apply
 > @page rule to a non-paged media, because otherwise overflow is not applied
 > (the containing box automatically grows to fit the body content, unless
 > constrained by other means, that is not what we need)

I'm not sure that I disagree with you, but I'd like to hear more about
your reasoning. Why can't we just say that the viewport is the limit
and no scrollbars will be provided?

Opera, in its projection mode, allows content to grow but no
scrollbars will be provided. You can use arrow keys and PgDn/PgUp to
access all of (say) a large image. Here's a test document, press F11
in Opera to see the effect:

However, we *could* scale or crop the image and thereby enforce the
viewport size. That would often create a better user experience.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 4 January 2009 20:24:35 UTC