Re: [CSS] Extending media queries

François REMY wrote:
> You don't need to protect a developer against himself. Try to protect 
> the developers
> against the bugs in the UA's, you will be usefuller to everybody. Whith 
> Internet you can
> do illegal things, should we destroy Internet for that simple reason ? I 
> think we shouldn't.
> It's similar here. With this filter, some bad attentionned people can do 
> bad things, but the
> rest of the world can take great advantage of it. So, what ?

You seem merely to have re-raised the same discussion that was held on 
this list just a few months ago.[1]  I note that you did not address my 
comments[2] at that time; perhaps you would care to do so.  I see little 
value in all of us simply restating our positions on the matter ad 


Anton Prowse

Received on Monday, 23 February 2009 17:35:06 UTC