Re: Why "color"

With respect, Daniel, "reality" requires recognising
the fact that most of the world does not speak English
(in any of its variants) as a first language, and that
we who are in the privileged position of being able
to discuss standards for future software specifications
have a duty not only to recognise this fact but to
build in this recognition into specifications currently
under discussion.

Daniel Glazman wrote:

 > Will never happen. For many excellent reasons.
 > But an important one is the following : if your l10n file can't be
 > loaded, you're stuck with html and css instances your browser
 > just cannot parse. Oops.
 > Let's go back to reality, please.
 > </Daniel>
 > --
 > W3C CSS WG, Co-chair

Received on Thursday, 19 February 2009 16:54:29 UTC