New feature request

It is allowed today? No.

Why to use? To simplify CSS day-by-day maintence, once it allow 
designers to use more cascade advantages.

How does it is did today?
if we have something like this:
<div class="header"></div>
<div class="content"></div>

To adjust site width, we need to do it:
..header { width:800px; font-size:20px;}
..content { width:800px; font-size:12px;}

..header, .content {width:800px;}
..header {font-size:20px;}
..content {font-size:20px;}

or still it:
<div class="header layoutwidth"></div>
<div class="content layoutwidth"></div>

..layoutwidth {width:800px;}
..header {font-size:20px;}
..content {font-size:20px;}

The problem is that if we use the solution 1, we need to read all lines 
of CSS to be sure that we dont forget nothing.
If we use the solution 2, we need to read all lines of HTML to be sure 
that we dont forget nothing.
And if we use solution 3, we will need to change HTML if in the future 
that element dont need to be width adjusted. That solution I think is 
poor, because CSS just need to format HTML/XHTML generated, not to 
change the generated code to allow formating.

Now, the solution that i suggest:
Create an way to concatenate classes attributes like this:

..layoutwidth {width:800px;}

..header {

..content {

Once changed .layoutwidth, all elements that use this format will 
change, easily!
It is a simple sample, but even more complex, more util this feature 
will be.

What about?

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Received on Thursday, 12 February 2009 22:43:32 UTC