Re: New values for Float property

On 12/3/2009 10:48 AM, Salar wrote:
> clear: start/end as mentioned here:
> padding-start / padding-end
> border-start / border-end
> outline-start / outline-end
> margin-start / margin-end
> background-position: start/end
> I don't thing implementation of above styles isn't hard and won't cause
> any issue.

You still have to define interactions with the non-dynamic properties; 
for example, does |padding-start| override |padding-left| or does it 
override |padding-right|?

It seems like it would be easier to have something like |direction: 
auto| where the |auto| keyword automatically reverses all literal left 
and right properties and values.

Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 06:12:14 UTC