Re: Image sprites use cases

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Brad Kemper<> wrote:
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 6:07 PM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:
>> These rules
>> have a *very* regular structure that can be churned out by a nested
>> loop with any competent language.  Considering the originator of the
>> use-case (widget libraries), it's not an unreasonable assumption that
>> they'll be able to do this.  It's *not* a situation that a normal
>> author hand-crafting rules, or even a normal author using a CMS, will
>> encounter.
> I don't know about that. I've created button-styled links by hand, with
> hover states, dimmed states, small versions, etc. That were all in a style
> to match the site style. I did that all by hand.

Oh, indeed, I've also done this.  But when you or I are handcrafting
things, we're still working with a fairly small set of necessary
images.  Alex is talking from a widget library standpoint, where every
combo of interaction/state/control is compounded by multiple skins as

Our use-cases are small enough that specifying the urls for each isn't
too bad.  Alex's would be pretty ridiculous if done by hand, but he
can fairly easily generate it once and use it everywhere.  (Also, his
largest source of rules, styling boxes by pieces, will be considerably
simplified once he can rely on border-image.)


Received on Monday, 31 August 2009 03:11:39 UTC