Re: Repeating gradients (Was: Re: Talk on radial gradients)

From: "David Perrell" <>
> Should there be a means to name (and cache) a gradient 'generated image' 
> for
> reuse? If I have a class that uses the same gradient throughout a website,
> might it not be counter-productive, relative to a cached image file, to 
> have
> the gradient reconstructed at each occurance?

Caching may be useful, but it's the browser that should take the decision of 
or not caching based on the type of gradient. That kind of consideration 
should not be
left in the hands of the web designer.

Many factors may enter in the decision of caching :
* Specificity of a gradient (could a cached image of the gradient be used
   whichever size the box has, or not)
* Time needed to paint the gradient
* Available memory to cache the gradient
* ...

The web designer could never perform good decisions since they don't have
many keys of the equation in their hands.

(It's my meaning, at least) 

Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2009 16:25:17 UTC