Re: Repeating gradients (Was: Re: Talk on radial gradients)

On Aug 25, 2009, at 10:32 AM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <>  

> Overall, I believe both of my syntax proposals (for linear and radial)
> would support this sort of repeating fine, though I think it's
> slightly weird to key it off of background-repeat.  I can see the
> appeal, though, of saying that repeat behavior is image-type-specific.

I feel that the emphasis for CSS gradient "images" should be on the  
commonest cases, written simply, with little (if any) special magic  
for how they repeat in backgrounds. It seems to me that endlessly  
repeating radial gradients would be pretty uncommon, and should be  
left to SVG for that. If gradient is an image type in CSS, it should  
just behave like an image. 

Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2009 18:26:47 UTC