Re: [CSS3, Backgrounds and Borders Module] some questions about border-radius

Andrew Fedoniouk <> wrote:
> > I don't think example 9 is rendered right -- I would expect the
> > color gradient to extend as far as "case 3" specifies.  But when
> > the inner corner is not sharp (cases 1-8), cases 1-3 are
> > indistinguishable, because the inner and outer curves start and end
> > on the same lines.  So you don't need to worry about that.
> but this : "color gradient to extend as far as "case 3" specifies"
> will break current spec. that says that transition is limited by
> quarter-ellipses of rounded-corners (as far as I understand wording
> there).

To reiterate: the spec speaks only of the INNER curve.  Your cases 1
and 2 are bounding the transition based on the OUTER curve.  That's
clearly wrong.

> Case 4 has
> border-bottom: 0px solid transparent;
> Transition to that transparency is what you observe.

Oh, ok.  It would be nice if you published the HTML source for this
image so that we could try it in other browsers.


Received on Sunday, 23 August 2009 19:25:42 UTC