RE: [css3-background] Issues open for feedback

>> Sylvain suggests 'block-direction' as an alternative.
>That one is worse, I think, because the property is not about the
>direction of the block it is applied to, but the direction of its
>contents. While you could try to misunderstand the alternatives
>'block-progression' and 'block-flow' the same way you actually
>cannot, because direction is something a single block can have,
>whereas flow and progression imply more than one item. (Or do I have
>it backwards and it should be 'line-progression'?)
Alex Mogilevsky separately pointed out that block-direction would be hard to tell apart from the existing direction property and as such, confusing. On those grounds, I agree it is worse. I'm OK with block-progression.

Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 22:45:40 UTC