Non-transparent Body Margins

I believe I have read comments about this but I can't find any 
references after going through the CSS 2.1 spec. Would appreciate any 
insight into this question. If you remember an old mail-thread, then 
just point me in the right direction (I must be searching with the wrong 
keywords since I'm not finding anything on this topic).

If I look at this code in a modern browser...

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN'>
    <body style='border:1px solid red; background-color:#fee;
    margin:10px; padding:0px'>
    Some text

...I'm getting a page with colored margin. I believe the spec is pretty 
clear that margins are transparent, thus letter the background of the 
containing block to show though. However, I think I have read somewhere 
that there is an exception for the body/root element. It's background 
property would not only be applied to the content and padding region 
like it would for other elements, but it would also cover its margins. 
Is this correct? Are there other exceptions like this? (Don't think the 
spec is very clear).

Anyhow, this is what I believe I have read somewhere, but I can find any 
references to this. If this is not the case, then what is it that I am 
missing here? Why is the margin region pink with the code above?

A second question would be why there is such a difference between the 
result in browsers when the DTD is removed from the code above? The 
margin is collapsed in IE, the height is expanded in both IE and Safari, 
and FireFox and Opera remains unchanged. 

Em2 Solutions AB
Michael Jansson

Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2009 14:23:49 UTC