Re: text-align property for columns (once again)

On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 15:11 -0700, Brad Kemper wrote:
> It would be much simpler to solve these problems with :col() and :nth- 
> col(); is there a good enough reason to prefer a significantly more  
> complicated solution?
> >
> > -David
> Not from me. I was just trying to respond to the question, and found a  
> small gap in my own understanding. Thank you for filling that in.  
> Psedo-classes are absolutely a fine solution. 

Well, I asked the original question because I read on documentation

17.5.4 Horizontal alignment in a column
The horizontal alignment of a cell’s content within a cell box is
specified with the ’text-align’ property.

This sentence led me to understand that text-align property was
applicable to table columns.

Moreover, as text-align can be a property of table rows I have expanded
the concept to the columns.
In my superficial knowledge columns and rows are the same thing: ordered
table cell sets with just different orientation. Which seems to be
wrong. Rows are cell sets, columns are "something else" with lower

Anyway, some clearer statement in the above mentioned chapter #17.5.4
would help a lot both users and implementors, in my opinion.

Thanks everyone for the answers so far.

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 17:03:53 UTC