Re: [page][gcpm] should a named page start on a new page?

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 11:41 AM, HÃ¥kon Wium Lie <> wrote:

>  > Where the normal page break would throw the chapter beginning
>  > onto a left-hand page, the user wants an intentionally blank page to
>  > appear and not to be counted in the page numbering.
> This is not possible in any current proposal. I can understand you
> don't want the blank to to have headers/footers, but do you really
> want the page not to be counted?

More an issue of what the customer wants. During my years of printing
books for small press publishers, some customers wanted it one way,
some the other.  (My first career was as a typographer.)

>  > 6(b). Same as 6(a) except photo pages are not to be counted for page
>  > numbering purposes.
> If pages are not numbered, what you toc entries (like the one above)
> resolve to?

I assume they wouldn't have toc entries. This use case is based on
something I've seen often in published pocket books that deal with
factual issues. Pocket books are normally printed on inexpensive
newsprint paper, which isn't suitable for high resolution photos,
particularly those that bleed at the sheet's edge. The pocket book
publishing industry developed the custom of printing photos on
high-quality paper, then slipping them into the book during collation.
They aren't counted in the page numbering and usually appear without
corresponding entries in the TOC. I've seen a similar phenomenon in
high-quality coffee table hard-bound books.

> Would the page number be the same as the preceding page?
> 0? undefined?

At the moment I don't perceive a decided advantage for any of those
three options over another, although I generally favor specification
over non-specification. Perhaps framing the language as options to
achieve the same result?

> Issue: do we want to have a predefined "blank" page?

Some use cases would require more than one predefined "blank" page;
e.g.: [i] blank page that increments the page counter; [ii] blank page
that does not increment the page counter. These can both occur in the
same document.

Best regards,

Paul E. Merrell, J.D. (Marbux)

Universal Interoperability Council

Received on Friday, 12 September 2008 02:11:17 UTC