Re: Suspect CSS2.1 test case

On Thursday 2008-09-11 22:18 +0100, Ben Cotterell wrote:
> Still it is very unusual. Nowhere else do you have to take into account
> what something's height is going to be when working out its available
> width.

Well, it's more that if it doesn't work out, you retry at the
narrower width.  (You can't know how tall a line is going to be
until you know what's on it, and you can't know what's on it until
you know how wide it is.  However, retrying at a narrower width
can't mean you end up with more on the line, so the worst case is
that you retry once and end up sticking with a result that's shorter
than necessary.)


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Thursday, 11 September 2008 23:35:55 UTC