Re: [CSS Transforms] syntax of transform-origin vs. background-position

David Hyatt wrote:
> On Sep 4, 2008, at 3:52 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
>> Right now the syntax of the transform-origin property in
>> is
>> similar to the syntax of the existing 'background-position' property
>> (plus an extra length at the end for anybody implementing 3-D
>> transforms).  It actually looks like it pretty much matches the CSS
>> 2.0 definition of background-position, but not the CSS 2.1
>> definition, which allows mixing of percentages/lengths with keywords
>> to match implementations.
>> I propose eliminating all differences with the background-position
>> property and just matching the CSS 2.1 definition of the
>> background-position property, plus (for those implementing 3-D
>> transforms) an optional third length at the end when the first two
>> values are percentages or lengths.
> That sounds good to me.
>> (There are also recently-agreed changes for css3-background; those
>> might make things a little trickier.)
> Could you elaborate?

The change is to allow positioning from corners other than the
top left by extending the syntax of background-position so that
each keyword in the 2-keyword notation can be followed by an offset:


Received on Saturday, 6 September 2008 03:31:49 UTC