[css3-gcpm][css3-box] float

Also sprach MURAKAMI Shinyu:

 > I found inconsistencies in the meaning of 'top' and 'bottom' values of
 > the 'float' property in css3-gcpm and css3-box.
 > In the recent css3-gcpm editors draft:
 > http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-gcpm/#page-floats
 >     top
 >         This keyword indicates that the element is floated to the top of
 >         the containg block. 
 >     bottom
 >         This keyword indicates that the element is floated to the bottom
 >         of the containg block. 
 > In the recent css3-box editors draft:
 > (unfortunately member-only)
 > http://www.w3.org/Style/Group/css3-src/css3-box/#the-float
 >     top
 >         Same as 'left'
 >     left
 >         If 'block-progression' is 'tb', the element generates a box that
 >         is floated to the left and content flows on the right side of
 >         the box (subject to the 'clear' property). If 'block-progression'
 >         has a different value, the element generates a box that is
 >         floated to the top and content flows on the bottom side of the
 >         box (subject to the 'clear' property). 
 >     bottom
 >         same as 'right'
 >     right
 >         Similar to 'left', except the box is floated to the right (if 
 >         'block-progression' is 'tb') or to the bottom (otherwise), and
 >         content flows on the left or top side of the box. 
 > In the css3-gcpm, the element with "float: top" is floated to the top of
 > the containing block and the element with "float: left" is floated to
 > the left regardless of the block-progression. But in the css3-box,
 > "float: top" is same as "float: left" and floated to the left or top
 > dependent on the block-progression.

Hmm. Personally, I think the GCPM definitions makes more sense. I'm
unsure why bottom=right and top=left in css3-box; they're probably
there for a reason.

 > I guess the definition of the css3-gcpm's float values overrides
 > css3-box's when the UA supports the page floats. Is this right?

I think we should resolve issue your raise and make sure there is only
one definition of these keywords.

Thanks for spotting it and reporting.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª
howcome@opera.com                  http://people.opera.com/howcome

Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2008 10:43:42 UTC