Re: Float Model

> That is not true. Or at least not completely true: IE 6 & 7 ignore that
> definition (only) when 'haslayout' is triggered on the static, non-floated
> block (e.g. using width). And in that case the non-floated block is
> displaced, not wrapped around the float.

I know it only occurs with the haslayout trigger. And I know it
doesn't deform into a polygon but stays rectangular, this is exactly
the behavior I expect...

> That IE behaviour is somewhat similar to what CSS 2.1 compliant browsers do
> when the non-floated block establishes a new block-formatting context (per
> 9.4.1).

On reading CSS 9.4.1...

"In a block formatting context, each box's left outer edge touches the
left edge of the containing block (for right-to-left formatting, right
edges touch). This is true even in the presence of floats (although a
box's content area may shrink due to the floats). "

So, this says a block should not wrap (displace) around a float, only
its content should. So that's not similar to the IE haslayout float
model at all. I need a way to wrap blocks around floats without a)
setting them to float as well or b) giving them a margin to get out
the way of the float, since both of these completely defeat the

Received on Monday, 6 October 2008 09:05:57 UTC