RE: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts - new compromise proposal

Håkon Lie wrote:

>  1) the same-site restrictions Mozilla has proposed. That is, browsers
>  would only allow a certain font to be used on pages on the same site,
>  unless an HTTP header (Access-Control-Allow-Origin) says otherwise.
>  2) a light-weight obfuscation/compression scheme. This could either
>  be XOR-ing a few bits in a strategic place to hide the font to common
>  systems (obfuscation), or introducing a targeted compression scheme.
>  The compression should be based on an algorithm with no known claims.
>  This could be MTX, but it currently seems safer to reuse gzip. The
>  compression would be applied selectively to chunks inside the file.
>  (If gzip is applied to the whole file, it is likely to be unzipped
>  automatically at the HTTP level.)
>  3) linking to standard TTF/OTF files (as Safari/Mozilla/Opera/Prince
>  has implented)
> Combined, the first two of these seem to address Adobe's requirements,
> as expressed by Thomas Phinney:
>  > We just want the original completely unprotected font converted to
>  > a marginally-more-protected web font *by the end user we licensed
>  > the font to*, prior to them sticking said font on a web server.

Yes, that element could be covered by (2).

Losing the root string element is still a concern, but it's possible that (1) will be a barely-good-enough solution from an Adobe perspective. I hope to shop this around internally and see if legal, marketing and other folks are okay with this proposal. Personally, I am still considering and pondering....



Received on Friday, 14 November 2008 20:38:47 UTC