Re: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts - new compromise proposal

Gustavo Ferreira wrote:
> Op Nov 11, 2008, om 9:14 PM heeft Levantovsky, Vladimir het  
> volgende geschreven:
>> I must respectfully disagree. Existing fonts only expose
>> information on embedding restrictions, all other conditions such as
>> scope of use and distribution, etc., are outlined in the actual font
>> license and are not machine-readable.
> i agree with vladimir, current bits do not represent the terms for  
> font usage on the web.
> this proposal by fontlab attemps to do so:  

How would EEULAA prevent copyright violations? Anybody *must* be able to
add their own EEULAA table to a font because anybody can create their
own font (ignore the quality for now) and they must be able to express
their *own* license for their own font. As such, tools to
add/modify/remove EEULAA information from a font must be available for

If the target is not to prevent copyright violations (implement DRM),
then why are we having this whole discussion on this list?


Received on Thursday, 13 November 2008 12:38:11 UTC