Re: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts - new compromise proposal

Hi Vladimir,

> 2) all fonts on the web will "cross the wire" MTX-compressed. I believe
> that making all web fonts MTX compressed would satisfy font vendors
> request #2, and no additional obfuscation of font data would be
> necessary. 

So you're proposing the obfuscated format be MTX-compressed fonts?  Doesn't this leave out Postscript CFF OpenType fonts, fonts with an .otf extension, since MTX only compresses fonts with TrueType-style glyphs, files with .ttf extensions?  Many vendors, including Adobe, primarily ship .otf fonts.  This seems insufficient to cover those fonts.

Are you proposing that @font-face rules can't link against raw TT/OT files?  Or that web authors would choose raw TT/OT or MTX-compressed TT based on the font license?


John Daggett
Mozilla Japan

Received on Monday, 10 November 2008 08:43:45 UTC