Re: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts

Also sprach Michael Day:

 > > This is good compromise, I believe. We identify a few strategic bytes
 > > in TTF/OT files, and XOR them. This makes them uninstallable without
 > > special tools.
 > On Linux any font recognisable by FreeType can be installed.
 > We would need to extend FreeType to support these DRM'd fonts in order 
 > that Mozilla, Prince, and other web user-agents that run on Linux could 
 > load them.

The user agent could flip the bits back after downloading and before
handing them over to FreeType, no?

 > Ergo, the DRM'd fonts would in short order be installable on Linux and 
 > other platforms using FreeType such as Solaris.

This is a danger with all protection schemes; the world around them
isn't static.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 6 November 2008 09:29:22 UTC