Re: [webfonts] pixel-perfection

Also sprach Boris Zbarsky:

 > Over here (on Mac), I see rendering that looks like your Safari 
 > screenshot in Gecko (2008-10-31 build, but I don't think anything 
 > changed between that and the 11-02 build you're testing).
 > Given the graphics, I assume your screenshot is on Windows at least for 
 > Gecko, right?

Yes, both my screenshots are from Windows.

So, it seems -- also based on Philippe Wittenbergh's screenshot [1] --
that Gecko's behavior is platform-dependent. Perhaps the problem is
system-related, rather than browser-related? Could it be that the
Starburst font triggers different behavior on Windows and Mac? And
that Safari differs on Windows because it takes with it parts of the
Mac system to Windows?

Any font detectives out there?


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 2 November 2008 20:04:44 UTC