Re: [CSSWG] Resolutions 2008-05-07

On Saturday 2008-05-17 14:09 +0100, David Woolley wrote:
> fantasai wrote:
>>   - Description of www-style in  
>>     to be updated so that first paragraph reads:
>>       This mailing list is for technical discussion on Cascading Style Sheets
>>       (CSS) and its specifications. All posts to this list must be about the
>>       development of the CSS specification itself. This list is also the
>>       preferred place for discussing working drafts that are published by W3C's
>>       CSS Working Group.
> Could you indicate what the actual change is?
> The only difference I can see between the quote and the link is that the  
> link has technical discussions in the plural.  I'd guess, therefore,  
> that the change has already been made and that there is a typo in one of  
> the versions.

The old description was:

   This mailing list is for technical discussion on Web Style Sheets. This
   is a focused discussion area: all posts to this list must be about style
   sheets. The list is also the preferred place for discussing working drafts
   that are published by W3C's working group on CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Saturday, 17 May 2008 17:13:11 UTC