Re: [css3-background] box-shadow syntax

Eli Morris-Heft wrote:
> Bert Bos wrote:
>> [grammar 2:]
>>     none | <shadow> [ , <shadow> ]*
>> where
>>     <shadow> = <length> <length> <length>? <color>? |
>>                <color> <length> <length> <length>?
>> (I think the grammar for 'text-shadow' in the Text module is like 
>> this; and indeed I believe the grammar for 'text-shadow' and 
>> 'box-shadow' should be the same.)
> It is (with the exception of a dropped question mark after '<color>' in 
> the second line), though
> <shadow> = <length> <length> <length>? || <color>
> may be more concise.

That would make

   text-shadow: blue;

valid. Which I don't think is quite the intent. :)


Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 15:34:35 UTC