Re: ACTION-18: vertical alignment values

On May 7, 2008, at 6:25 AM, Bert Bos wrote:

> 0) Re the name 'block-vertical-align'
> The word "vertical" is useful to remind one of the similar but  
> different 'vertical-align' property, but in the light of use in  
> vertical text, maybe it is nevertheless better to omit that word and  
> call the property 'block-align'?

'block-align' sounds like a corollary to 'text-align', that works with  
block-level elements instead of inline content, and would accept  
similar values (left, right, center). That is something I hope we will  
eventual be able to use, so I suggest using that term for vertical  

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 15:14:16 UTC