Re: List item and marker box layout - Spec needs example / clarification for nested block scenario.

On Sunday 2008-03-16 15:37 -0700, Sushanth Rajasankar wrote:
>     <style>
>     .LI { display:list-item; }
>     .OUT { list-style-position:outside; }
>     </style>
> </head>
> <body>
>     <ol class="OUT">
>         <span class="LI OUT">Item #1. Text Text Text Text Text Text</span>
>         <span class="LI OUT"><div style="border:10px solid green;">TEXT</div></span><!-- This is empty list item #2 -->
>         <span class="LI OUT">Item #3. Text Text Text Text Text Text</span>

Looking at this test case in browsers will test two different
 * HTML parsing behavior (whether DIV terminates SPAN, and how)
 * the issue you're discussing

It would be much better to test with a valid HTML testcase.

> The spec however clearly states :

> Since the element matched by "::first-line" pseudo element is
> empty in my case, I would expect a blank line and that the div
> follows afterwards. This is not the observed behavior.

I think this interpretation of the spec is incorrect: ::first-line
can match a line that is also the first line of a child block.  I
believe the spec is explicitly saying that the marker *can* be
aligned with the first line of a child block, although I think
examples to make that clearer would be helpful.

I would also caution, however, that css3-lists is far from stable
and is not necessarily suitable for implementation.  In case of
disagreement with CSS 2.1, you should follow what CSS 2.1 says.


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Sunday, 16 March 2008 22:53:54 UTC