[css3-namespace] 3.1 Syntax

Dear CSS WG,

This is a last call comment from the SVG WG on the CSS Namespaces Module,  
W3C Working Draft 15 February 2008,  
http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-css3-namespace-20080215/. Please let us know  
if you have any questions by CC:ing your responses to www-svg@w3.org.

> Any @namespace rules must follow all @charset and @import rules and
> precede all other non-ignored at-rules and rule sets in a style
> sheet

Why? What benefit does that provide? What if you want to later define
an important @-rule and want it to be 'right after' @charset? I can
see why @charset needs to come first, and why its convenient to have
@import near the top so the referenced stylesheets can be downloaded
as soon as possible. I could also understand a rule that required
namespace declarations to occur before use. Preceding all
'non-ignored' @rules seems rather odd, too.  It makes a stylesheet
move from valid to invalid

Suggestion: Simply state that @namespace rules must precede any rules
that use namespaces.

/Erik, on behalf of the SVG WG

Erik Dahlstrom, Core Technology Developer, Opera Software
Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
Personal blog: http://my.opera.com/macdev_ed

Received on Monday, 10 March 2008 15:58:38 UTC