Re: WebKit now supports CSS Variables

At 23:09  +0200 29/06/08, Francois Remy wrote:
>Consider this situation :
>style1.css [enabled] {
>    @const bgColor: red;
>style2.css [disabled] {
>    @const bgColor: green;

surely the error is here;  bgColor has already been declared as a 
const with a different value.  You have a syntax violation (attempt 
to re-define a constant).  If you declare something 'const' in the 
context of a set of pages, it's your job to make sure it is, in fact, 
constant.  Whether the language processor enforces this, or whether 
you get 'undefined results' is a matter for debate.

David Singer

Received on Monday, 30 June 2008 13:04:02 UTC