Re: Box-shadow : Why not follow the standardized OpenXML specification ?

On Jun 17, 2008, at 1:03 PM, Frode Børli wrote:

>> Inner Shadow: Because it is so similar to box-shadow, and because  
>> it is a
>> type of box shadow, most would probably agree that it is better to  
>> add this
>> as a key word to box-shadow (or a sub-property of a
>> box-shadow-as-shorthand), than to create its own new property that
>> replicates most of what is already present in the box-shadow draft.
> How would we add both inner and outer shadow at the same time?

One div inside another, I suppose, But since inner shadow creates the  
illusion of a hole cut in something, and outer shadow creates the  
illusion of that shape floating above something instead, I really  
don't think there is going to be that much demand for both inner and  
outer shadows on the same rectangle. Its much simpler to have a single  
key word on a single compound property.

>> The next four do not seem useful for creating drop shadows. Skew  
>> (and to
>> some extent, scale) would only seem useful for cast shadows, not drop
>> shadows.
> Skew will be useful, as you can then create the illution of a tilted
> background. The same goes for distance (or scale). I think they should
> be implemented in the standard.

That's what I called a "cast" shadow in my last post, as apposed to  
the "drop" shadow that we have now. It doesn't have the same symmetry  
as inner and outer shadows (I don't think many people would have use  
for a titled cast shadow in an inner shadow).

I'm not against the idea of a tilted shadow, but it seems like  
overkill and overloading for the drop shadow effects we have in text- 
shadow and box shadow. Maybe that could be its own property, if there  
is demand for it. Also, it is a much more illustrative, rather than  
decorative, effect, so perhaps is better for SVG.

> Best regards, Frode Børli
> New member of this list.

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2008 04:41:17 UTC