Re: "maybe even in the fact that you use words as all," (sic)

Brad Kemper wrote:

 > I would rather have the 20% become more literate, so that I am not
 > reduced to writing "I like peach" in icons on my site, instead of
 > engaging in more intelligent discourse or trying to communicate more
 > advanced concepts. Of course, I also don't want to discriminate against
 > people that hate peaches...
 > And what about people in comas or dead people? Aren't we discriminating
 > against them by using communication that they cannot understand? Dead
 > people represent a much larger portion of humanity than illiterate people.
 > I was going to try to type this e-mail in "icon chat", but it didn't
 > work in Safari 3 or FireFox 3.

Did you accidentally omit the <sneer> tags, Brad ?

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2008 15:01:20 UTC