Re: Proposal for adding variable declaration blocks

Brad Kemper wrote:

> Personally, my preference is that it should be the author's responsibility
> to pick a variable name that is not likely to conflict.

Makes more sense to me for us to pick a syntax that will never conflict.
Using bare keywords is both more difficult to implement and more likely
to cause problems for authors.

> I disagree that the functional notation is very CSS-y. It seems more 
> JavaScripty to me. So far I haven't had to use it very much at all in my 
> CSS (I know it is in clip and a couple of CSS3 properties). Plus it 
> requires five extra characters each and every time it is used, two of 
> which require the shift key. I would much rather just have one extra 
> character to type. How about the equals sign? It can be typed quicker, 
> plus it has a certain logic to it since it is often used for assignment 
> in other languages:
> background: =backgroundColor;

That works for me. I was actually considering that the last time
constants came up.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 18:06:45 UTC