Re: css with attribues

Christoph Päper wrote:
>  OTOH one actually could make a CSS module or separate specification
>  that referenced most CSS modules (except Syntax, Selectors, Media
>  Queries ...). Providing XML-compatible attribute syntax and an
>  assigned namespace you could use inline styling in any dialect of
>  XML, without the need to introduce a |style|-like attribute. There
>  wouldn't be much cascading or stylesheets, though.
>  <html xmlns=""
>  xmlns:css=""> <div css:float="left"
>  css:width="20em">
>  PS: Perhaps XML should have allowed multiple default namespaces,
>  where the author would have been responsible for making sure there
>  were no ambiguities or there would have been a rule for taking
>  precedence, but XML prefers clear distinction over human readability.

Wouldn’t it be simpler to just put the style attribute (and element?) in 
the XML namespace?

Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2008 10:59:11 UTC