Re: [CSS21] The grammar of url() token

On 26/02/2008, Bert Bos <> wrote:
>  On Thursday 21 February 2008 14:07, Andrei Polushin wrote:
>  > ### Issue 2 ###
>  >
>  > Backslash character itself should be also escaped with an another
>  > backslash, and that fact should be mentioned explicitly.
> Isn't that obvious?

No, it is not.

Do we need to escape the backslash operator in Perl when the string is
inside single quotes? When I read the manual some years ago I had the
impression that we don't need to. But in reality we need to.

It's better to state explicitly whether it needs to or not.

Yahoo and Gmail must die. Yes, I use them, but they still must die.
PS: Don't trust everything you read in Wikipedia. (Very Important)

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2008 19:56:49 UTC