Re: [css3] “Selectors that People Actually Use”

On 19/02/2008, Daniel Glazman <> wrote:
> Jens Meiert wrote:
> > * E:lang(fr) – Probably the most questionable selector since apparently replaceable by attribute selectors.
> Certainly not.
> :lang() deals with not only with the attributes carried by the element
> also with the language of prose in the element. That is determined not
> only by the element itself, but also its ancestors, the META tags on the
> document if it's HTML and even the HTTP headers.

In that case I should change my sites to use :lang(). Last time I
checked (which was a very long time ago)  it did not work at all;
hopefully things are better now.

Checking language using attribute tags is a nightmare. Something
that would check ancesters etc. would be awesome.

Yahoo and Gmail must die. Yes, I use them, but they still must die.
PS: Don't trust everything you read in Wikipedia. (Very Important)

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 18:30:02 UTC