Re: [css3] "Selectors that People Actually Use"

Christoph Päper wrote:
> Btw., an intentionally blank section -- what the hell?

To preserve section numbering across versions. There was a :contains() selector there, iirc.

>> * E:lang(fr) -- Probably the most questionable selector since apparently
>> replaceable by attribute selectors.
> I still think it was too strict to make it impossible for this pseudo class to
> be used with markup languages that do not use IETF-compatible language tags.
> It was the right choice to make the selector syntax itself compliant, of
> course.

That could be fixed by changing
   # substring of, the element's language value,
   | substring of, the element's language value normalized to RFC3066,
or somesuch. I don't think the intention was to make :lang() not work for other
language syntaxes.


Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 17:30:59 UTC