RE: [css3] "Selectors that People Actually Use"

Ambrose Li wrote:

> On 18/02/2008, Alan Gresley <> wrote:
> > Not quite true. IE7 was the first browser to correctly handle all attribute selectors. Opera 9.5 is now the second. This does not say there are bugs, since I have found none with normal CSS. I have eight linked test cases beginning from here.
> [...]
> > All modern browsers support attribute selectors, most browser support negation and structural pseudo classes is very patchy.
> On my sites (a tiny sample notwithstanding) MSIE 7 accounts
> for roughly 33% of the traffic. MSIE 6 still accounts for 30 to 45%.
> Maybe adoption rates for "modern" browsers at Western-language
> sites are better, but I don't think as a general rule it is safe yet to
> rely on all the selectors being handled correctly.
> -- 
> cheers,
> -ambrose

Should it really matter. What wrong with a site if all browsers use CSS differently, and have buggy support or have no support for selectors. This thread is not about the handling of selectors, it's about the selectors which John Resig doesn't see useful.

This is my template for my future test directory index page.

I have as many ID and classes as I need now (maybe to many), the rest can be done with all those selectors which John Resig doesn't see useful. Maybe in ten years time the page will render as intended in most browsers. Use Safari 3 for intended rendering (I still need to add more background images for this browser).

It degrades in this browser order by rendering (accessibly is fully supported).

Safari 3
Gecko 1.9
Opera 9.5
Gecko 1.8
Gecko 1.7

then for rendering

Opera 9.25
IE 7
IE 6
IE 5.5

and for accessibility

IE 7
IE 6
IE 5.5

No support in Opera 9.25 by tabbing.

I have not tested with Opera 8.6 or lower, or any Mac or Linux browsers. IE any version will have to use the older template to render correctly.

My way of seeing the development CSS is always perceived from a future perspective.

BTW, my own stats for my CSS site (average sine Jun last year shows Firefox with browser share of 45%. All versions of of IE is around 35% but this figure is distorted due to the sites content. The browser share for support of attribute selectors is 85%.


Received on Monday, 18 February 2008 22:54:00 UTC