Re: [css3] "Selectors that People Actually Use"

On 18/02/2008, Alan Gresley <> wrote:
> Not quite true. IE7 was the first browser to correctly handle all attribute selectors. Opera 9.5 is now the second. This does not say there are bugs, since I have found none with normal CSS. I have eight linked test cases beginning from here.
> All modern browsers support attribute selectors, most browser support negation and structural pseudo classes is very patchy.

On my sites (a tiny sample notwithstanding) MSIE 7 accounts
for roughly 33% of the traffic. MSIE 6 still accounts for 30 to 45%.
Maybe adoption rates for "modern" browsers at Western-language
sites are better, but I don't think as a general rule it is safe yet to
rely on all the selectors being handled correctly.


Yahoo and Gmail must die. Yes, I use them, but they still must die.
PS: Don't trust everything you read in Wikipedia. (Very Important)

Received on Monday, 18 February 2008 20:01:43 UTC