Re: Overflow and Margins

On Feb 4, 2008, at 8:52 AM, Ben Cotterell wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 08:26:24AM -0800, Brad Kemper wrote:
> [...]
>>>>> If I do this:
>>>>> <div style="overflow: scroll; width: 200px; padding: 50px">
>>>>>     <div style="width: 600px; border: 2px solid green"></div>
>>>>> </div>
>>>>> I can scroll to the right and keep scrolling and see the 50px gap.
>>>>> Works in Firefox and Opera.
>>> It does "work" in Firefox and Opera, but it isn't right. As you
>>> say, the
>>> container's right padding should be immediatley to the right of its
>>> content area container, not at the right of its overflowing  
>>> contents.
>> Except that it is not just the content area that is scrolled. It is
>> the padding box [1] that is scrolled, including the right padding and
>> bottom padding.
> I don't think so. That's also how I got confused, but it's not what
> should happen.

"Should" according to the spec, or "should" according to an author's  
reasonable expectations?

> Contents are clipped to the padding box. But that doesn't change _the
> position or size of the padding box_.

It could if the specification were to clearly say it does, and the  
implementors followed that spec.

> It just sits where it is, with its contents spilling out of it.  
> What you
> scroll around is the bounding box of the contents, not the padding box
> itself.
> If you think about the diagram in 8.1, the padding edge surrounds the
> content edge, and the border edge surrounds the padding edge. None of
> that changes just because the box is overflowed.

If it doesn't, then that is what I would like to see changed.

> The contents are fitted into the content area, which is inside the
> padding. They may overflow. That means they spill over the padding,  
> not
> that they push it out to the side.

I understand what you are saying, but it would be way less confusing,  
and way more useful, if the padding box was part of what was being  
scrolled. What is the purpose of a padding edge or margin edge if it  
has no practical effect? If they did have an effect on the rendering  
(within the scrollable area), then they would be an aid to design,  
rather than a hindrance (a hinderance because they require an extra  
block just to get padding or margin within the extent plane on that  

Received on Monday, 4 February 2008 17:31:21 UTC