Re: @media and browsers conditional statments

François REMY wrote:

> From: "Alan Gresley" <>

>> I am very aware of IE hacks for special style rules. Using the 
>> precedent of hacking around a *buggy IE* is not the same as the *few 
>> CSS bugs* in other browsers. When dealing with the versions of IE 
>> garbage CSS is often required to get around some weird IE bug 
>> behavior. If IE doesn't respond to garbage CSS then we just have to 
>> avoid particular CSS and layouts.
> Sorry, but they are not *few CSS bugs*.
> They are more CSS bugs than you think.

I quite aware of this François, I and many others have demonstrated 
them. That's why I said in my first reply [1] to this thread this.

"Adding additional complexity to CSS (via sniffing) does not get around
issues of flawed logic in CSS2.1, CSS3 or undefined behaviors."

What I mean by this is that the present of CSS bugs demonstrate the 
flawed logic which is the CSS spec.

> And stop consider that hacking is for IE only. It's false. Other 
> browsers have
> also some inconsitences. Not as much as in IE5/6/7 but they exists, you can
> trust me. And when you make your sites "by hand", you encounter theses very
> often.

I don't have to trust you. I have online and offline many different 
hacks. I have created quite a few of them (one for Webkit).

I just don't advertised it since I don't believe in using them and I 
don't believe authors should have to contend with having to send two or 
more sets of style rules just to use CSS.


Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's 
character, give him power - Abraham Lincoln

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:46:42 UTC