[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 4: Vertical layout not enough for bopomofo

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 4
At http://www.w3.org/International/reviews/0505-css3-ruby/
Editorial/substantive: S
Owner: RI

Location in reviewed document:
4.1 [http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-css3-ruby-20030514/#rubypos]

"In order to achieve that effect, vertical-ideographic layout should be set on each individual ruby. That can be accomplished with the following simple CSS rule: ruby.bopomofo { writing-mode: tb-rl }"

This is not sufficient. The accents in bopomofo ruby are not displayed as a unidirectional run of text. Bopomofo accents are non-combining characters that in memory follow the sequence of bopomofo alphabetic characters spelling out a syllable. However, the second to fourth tones are displayed in a separate vertical column to the right of the alphabetic characters, and the neutral tone marker is displayed as a dot above the column of alphabetic characters.

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2007 14:01:53 UTC