Re: Margin collapsing and overflow: hidden

Hi Bruno,

> And about Opera it should be noted that _any_ empty div (even without
> overflow) stops the collapsing between a preceding and a following sibling,
> so Opera doesn't seem too realiable here.

I'm not seeing this in Opera 9, if I change hidden to visible the gap 
between paragraphs gets smaller as the margins collapse.

> With a simpler construction with just two siblings, the addition of
> overflow:hidden doesn't seem to stop the collapsing in any browsers.

Are you sure? Try this test document in Opera 9 and Firefox 1.5:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<div style="overflow: hidden"></div>

There should be a larger than usual gap between the two paragraphs, 
which returns to normal if hidden is changed to visible.

Best regards,


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Received on Monday, 8 October 2007 00:45:40 UTC