Re: [css3-grid] comments


On Oct 1, 2007, at 7:04 PM, Alex Mogilevsky wrote:

> Thanks for the comments!
> Note: I've published an update at 
> overview.html . It addresses some of these points.

I will try and look at the update in the next few days. Keep up the  
good work.

> At F2F we've settled at 'fr' (for 'fraction'), ( 
> csswg/css3-grid/overview.html#explicit ). What do you think?

I think 'fr' is fine. Just so it matches the rest of the units,  
unlike '*' and does not confuse people with other backgrounds (like  
perl and shell programming) by using the '*' in a way that does not  
match their expectations.

Oh! I just had a thought, although I doubt the rest of the group will  
appreciate it. If, sometime in the future, the CSS-style group  
decides to add pattern matching (regular expressions / searching) the  
'*' (star) will still be available. (I have several use cases for  
pattern matching in CSS, but the responses I got when I asked about  
adding it to the language were very negative.)

> Thanks again for comments
> Alex

You're welcome,

James Elmore

Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2007 14:22:23 UTC