Re: Proposal of @ua

Andrey Mikhalev wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
>> 1) As CSS makes custom keywords perfectly legal then you can do:
>>  @media screen and supports(-moz-radius) { }
>> to filter out Mozilla only rules.
> wrong. just infamous embedded engine supports single mozilla's 
> extension, nothing more

Beg my pardon but what exactly is wrong there?
And what is that "infamous embedded engine"?

>> 2) @ua(name, version) is not practically useful as e.g. Mozilla is 
>> publishing new updates pretty frequently.
>> I do not think that you would want to make your CSS look like version 
>> tracker or so.
> imo a lot more useful than former in complex production site maintenance 
> scenario (way to isolate fixes)

What exactly is more useful?

@ua(mozilla, 1800) {  }
@ua(firefox, 2009) {  }
@ua(gecko, XXXX) {  }

? I doubt that you would want to see this in your CSS.


@media screen and supports(flow,grid)
   #sidebar { left:1#; top:1#; bottom:3# }
   #body { display: table; }

is more reliable as it will not require future changes when some UA will 
start or stop to support some feature.

     border:1px solid red;
     @media supports(border-radius)

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2007 18:20:57 UTC