Re: [css3-text] Word wrap confirmation

David Dorward wrote:
> Daniel Beardsmore wrote:
>>> Gecko has "white-space: -moz-pre-wrap" which acts very similarly.  So 
>>> if you do:
>> Damn, man. What's with Gecko renaming everything like that?
> Generally because it is either (a) Experimental or (b) Unfinished (you 
> said yourself it "acts very similarly", not "identically".

I didn't say that it acts similarly, Boris did. But it would seem better, if 
such a feature is defined in CSS (which it is), to at least try to tie in one's 
implementation to real CSS so that pages that want to use it, can.

After all, if you don't implement it, you get pretty useless output! All 
newlines and consecutive spaces are lost. So if there is something like a 
working implementation, let people see it.

This is, though, how most browser development goes anyway :) (And if you're 
lucky the browser won't sit in eternal beta readiness ;)

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2007 23:49:19 UTC