Re: [OT] Re: font size in tables

James Craig wrote:
> If you want to discuss CSS 
> specifications, this is the place.

I was under the impression that, at its core, the question was one of "I 
don't understand why this is happening based on what the spec says" (was 
going to point out that what actually gets inherited is the computed 
value of 75%, and not the actual "calculate 75% of your parent element" 
rule, but was waiting to see if that's what Tim actually meant).

Fair enough, though...

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
Co-lead, Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
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Received on Friday, 1 June 2007 00:50:10 UTC