Re: [CSS21] New Candidate Recommendation

In [CSS21, G.2]

The grammar rule:

    @{C}{H}{A}{R}{S}{E}{T}  {return CHARSET_SYM;}

Should be replaced by (reverted to):

    "@charset "             {return CHARSET_SYM;}

Because of the special rule for @charset in [CSS21, 4.4]

> @charset must be written literally, i.e., the 10 characters
> '@charset "' (lowercase, no backslash escapes), followed by the
> encoding name, followed by '";'.

BTW, the wording about 10 characters '@charset "' is another problem,
because current grammar allows the '@charset ' to be followed by
either " or ' symbol:

      : [ CHARSET_SYM STRING ';' ]?
        [S|CDO|CDC]* [ import [S|CDO|CDC]* ]*
        [ [ ruleset | media | page ] [S|CDO|CDC]* ]*

where STRING is can be quoted as either "string1" or 'string2'.

Bert Bos wrote:
> Anyway, I've treated my colleagues to champagne today, to celebrate
> CSS 2.1. I hope you enjoy the new spec, too :-)

Good luck!

Andrei Polushin

Received on Saturday, 21 July 2007 13:13:54 UTC