Re: [Spam] Re: standard out of the box


This is a Problem I deal with every day.

However I do have a very simple solution that I use. The following is 
pretty standard for all websites I work on.

<style type="text/css" id="MasterStyle" media="all" >
	@import url("/include/presentation/css/style.css");

<!--[if IE 7]>
<style type="text/css" id="IE7Style" media="screen" >
	@import url("/include/presentation/css/ie7.css");

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="/include/presentation/css/ie.css" media="screen" />

Not to say this is the greatest way of dealing with things but it does 
do the trick.

When IE8 is released every website I have done in the past 2 years 
should not have a problem. Unless there is some IE8 specific bugs that I 
need to worry about. Then I would be adding the next conditional comment 
in my header.

<!--[if IE 8]>
<style type="text/css" id="IE8Style" media="screen" >
	@import url("/include/presentation/css/ie8.css");

Maybe someone else has a better way of doing this but to me it is simple 
enough to setup and work with.

Barry Rader

Brad Kemper wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2007, at 5:18 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
>> On Dec 21, 2007, at 7:51 AM, Paul Nelson (ATC) wrote:
>>> I would argue that defaulting a page that has no DOCTYPE to be 
>>> standards compliant may not be the best option. There are many legacy 
>>> pages out there that would break. If a person sets the DOCTYPE then 
>>> that should be honored...and may still break some pages.
>> No one is arguing this, I think.
>> What (other) rendering engines have been doing for years:
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> Philippe
> The problem is that IE6 and IE7 both have a "standards mode" already 
> that is based on the doctype. And there are still tons of people who 
> won't let go of IE6 because of all their legacy corporate browser-based 
> applications that break when bugs are taken away. So if I design a page 
> with a 4.01 doctype, I get one kind of rendering in IE6, another in IE7, 
> and the more predicable kind in other browsers (and hopefully in IE8's 
> standards mode). But I still need a way to differentiate between IE7 
> "standards mode" and IE8 standards mode so that the code I wrote to deal 
> with IE7's bugs does not get triggered in IE8. A 4.01 doctype is not 
> enough. An HTML5 doctype triggering true standards would be nice 
> (especially if IE8 supported all of HTML5), but I do not want to have to 
> convert all my pages to HTML5 before I can start putting IE6-7 bugs 
> (which would presumably continue to exist in IE8's backwards 
> compatibility mode) behind me.
> I would like to see something that could be added to a CSS file that 
> would allow me to specify code for IE6-7 that the standards-based 
> browsers (including IE8) wouldn't see, or that would allow 
> standards-based browsers to see code that IE6-7 wouldn't see.
> Perhaps if all other browsers are supporting media queries by the time 
> IE8 is released, then we could put all of our standards-based CSS inside 
> a media query with a minimum screen width of 1px, and if IE8 saw that 
> then it would render everything inside based on standards.
> Or perhaps there could be a rule like this:
> HTML { standards:true; }
> ...which would tell IE8 to switch to standards mode, and not render 
> anything in an IE6-7 buggy way. That way corporate intranet applications 
> would continue to render the old way without being rewritten, but more 
> standards-oriented authors could lose all that baggage (and just use 
> existing hacks to accommodate IE6-7 while they are still around).
> Ideally a standards:true would even work in documents with no doctype or 
> with a 3.2 doctype, to get rid of the horrible rendering problems of IE 
> quirks mode, since quirks mode is not so bad (even useful) in non-IE 
> browsers.

Received on Friday, 21 December 2007 17:45:24 UTC