Re: FW: IE Blog: Internet Explorer 8 and Acid2: A Milestone

Also sprach Daniel Glazman:

 > > Indeed it is! Congratulations to the IE8 team! Hooray! This is a
 > > victory for the web!
 > It's going to be a bit tougher to tell the EU Microsoft's not willing
 > to implement standards-compliant products, eh ?

You seem to doubt the sincerity of my congratulations. I can assure
you that I'm very, very happy that IE8 will pass Acid2. I have lobbied
for this to happen since I announced the test in March 2005 [1].

Thanks to everyone who have tirelessly supported the Acid2 test in the
years passed. We always had high hopes for the test, but the hopes
have been surpassed by reality.

I hope that IE8 passes the ACID2 test out of the box when it ships and
I look forward to testing IE8 on all the main Web standards. I hope
that this signals a change in heart and mind regarding Microsoft's
support for standards, but this is something that needs to be
monitored over time.

Our filing last week stirred many discussions on the value of Web
standards. Increased awareness of Web standards is beneficial for all
of us, especially when they result in improved implementations. Web
designers will have fewer frustrations, and more pages will work
cross-browser and cross-platform.

It's also good that awareness of standards have increased outside
technical fora, including governments. In part, the ongoing ODF/OOXML
debate is responsible for this. In that debate we are seeing a
different side of Microsoft than those who announced the good news
yesterday. So, I don't think all battles have been won just yet.

But, this is a day of celebration, for the victory of the web!

Let us all be merry!



              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2007 11:14:42 UTC