Re: [css3-mediaquery] Clarification of 'not'

Also sprach Stewart Brodie:

 > 'not' and unknown media types:
 > Section 3 says: "The presence of the keyword 'not' at the beginning of the
 > query negates the results."  Section 4 says: "Media queries involving
 > unknown media types are always false".
 > When I read that, the word 'always' led me to wonder whether or not unknown
 > media types trump the section 3 definition of 'not'.  I suggest the
 > following clarifications:
 > 1) remove the word "always" from the section 4 statement
 > 2) Add an example showing that the following media query is true:
 >      @media not 3d-glasses { ... }

Good idea. 

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2007 14:10:06 UTC