Re: 3rd call: CSS2: howto disable audio?

Doug Schepers wrote:
> You are not being at all clear in your assertion.  Could you define what 
> you mean by "unregulated"?  And who mentioned banning plugins based on 
> W3C tech?

Roughly in the sense that governments use it, i.e. that people can do 
whatever the market accepts, whether or not it is consistent with public 
policy.  You introduced the concept of banning by giving examples of W3C 
technologies as plugins.  You appeared to be saying that my claim that 
plugins were unregulated was invalid because there were some plugins 
that fall under W3C regulation.  I was saying that the existence of 
regulated plugins doesn't invalidate the idea that plugins, in general, 
are unregulated, as unregulated means anything goes, including ones that 
would comply with any sort of regulation that one might want.

> Your impression is wrong, and smacks of FUD.  The original Adobe viewer 
> went out of its way to allow scripting between DOMs, and inline SVG (as 

I've only viewed this from the sidelines, but my view that Adobe 
developed SVG as a way of reducing the cost of a Flash competitor tends 
to have been confirmed by the speed with which they dropped the viewer 
after the merger.

I'm only on the sidelines because SVG has totally failed in its early 
promise to become a viable mechanism for line drawings on general web 
pages.  Although it tends not to be explicitly authored, VML has a 
better, but insubstantial, claim to that niche, and is normally only 
used for presentational lines.

David Woolley
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Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 20:57:38 UTC